Quinte West Chamber of Commerce
DATE: January 24, 2013
RE: Tom Kotsovos Honoured at Chamber President’s Dinner
Trenton, ON: The Quinte West Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its 2014 President’s Dinner and AGM on Wednesday, February 12 at Occasions by the Bay in Bayside. This is a special night in Quinte West where the business community comes together to recognise the accomplishments of its Chamber, the success of its’ business community and to pay their respects to this years’ Honourary Life Time Membership recipient Tom Kotsovos.
“It is our honour this year to recognize local businessman Tom Kotsovos with an Honourary Lifetime Membership,” says Quinte West Chamber president Dave Fairfield. “He is a true entrepreneur who started a small pizza business here in Trenton and has grown Jim’s Pizza and Tomasso’s Italian Grille into the most successful restaurant in the Quinte Region.”
Tom Kotsovos moved to the Trenton area in 1970 and has said that he fell in love with the area the first time he drove over the bridge. He and his brother started a small pizza and pasta place called Jim’s Pizza. In 1990 he bought his brother out and opened up a second business, Tomasso’s Casual Dining, which has grown into its’ current location on the banks of the beautiful Trent River. In the past few years Tom and his sons created a development company called Kotsovos Brothers Inc and purchased and developed the property on either side of them along Front Street. They have created some of the most premier retail and office space locations in the Quinte Region and were a catalyst to the development of the RiverFront Square. Tom has always believed in giving back to the community and his support has helped many community groups.
“Tom’s impact and influence in our community should not be understated,” says chamber manager Suzanne Andrews. “Tomasso’s employees 100 people in our community and I wouldn’t be able to guess how many pizza’s and gift certificates they donate to sports teams and organizations in Quinte West every year.”
The Honourary Life Time Membership is awarded to local business people that have given freely of their time and expertise over the years to contribute to the growth of our community. Past recipients of this award are: Lt. General Howard Graham; Dr. W.A.L. McDonald; Wilf Wilkinson; Ian Darling; Doug Whitley; Eban James Sr.; Phil Panelas; Paul Tripp; Peter Davis; Rob Brown and Hugh O’Neil.
If you would like to attend, the tickets are still available to the dinner and awards, which features a full course dinner by Occasions By the Bay and live music. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased online at www.quintewestchamber.ca or by contacting the Chamber office at 613-392-7635.