DATE: December 12, 2014
RE: Ohh Babies! Opens up in downtown Trenton
Trenton, ON: Another new business is opening in downtown Trenton, Ohh Babies will cater to the smallest members of the family. Ohh Babies! is owned by the mother and daughter team of Laurence Bibay and Anica Desjardins and will offer new and used clothing from newborn sizes all the way up to ages 5/6. “The cost of all brand new good quality clothing can be too expensive for some and by offering a combination of new and used we are looking to appeal to all budgets,” says co-owner Anica Desjardins.'
At Ohh Babies! all used clothing is individually washed and steam cleaned to ensure it meets the strict standards they have for their merchandise. “We are extremely selective about our used selection,” says co-owner Laurence Bibay. “Nothing will be going onto our shop floor that looks worn and we check all of the clothing before it is accepted to ensure it is tear and stain free. Many times our customers do not even realize it is second hand until we tell them.”
Anyone with good quality used children’s clothing is encouraged to bring it to the store for resale. Ohh Babies! will also accept used baby furniture, car seats, high chairs and accessories so long as they meet the current safety standards. Come by the store during regular business hours to open an account and bring in your items.
The new clothing in the store will offer shoppers a nice alternative to the styles and brands that can be found in the big box stores. They will carry unique styles in snowsuits, coats and clothing sets for boys and girls, all of which will make great gifts this Holiday Season.
Ohh Babies! is located at 104 Dundas Street West in downtown Trenton. The store hours are Tuesday & Wednesday from 10am - 6pm and Thursday to Saturday from 10am - 8pm during the holiday season. They are closed on Sunday and Monday.
Ohh Babies! will be having a Grand Opening on Saturday December 20 and they would like to invite everyone down to check out their beautiful new store and their great selection of clothing. Come to the Grand opening and fill out a raffle ticket for the chance to win one of 4 gift baskets. For more details please call 613-394-2229 or check out the photos of their store and clothing on Facebook.