Hello all,
Well, 2013 is wrap and by most accounts a great year. There was the announcement on who was moving into the massive new building on Hamilton Road and growth at the base helped secure employment growth for our community and resulted in an increased, stable tax revenue for the city. The downtown revitalization continued with the Front Street improvements and the opening of the RiverFront Square. The long awaited final approval to the Maria project is expected any day and we can look forward to seeing activity start on this shortly.
As we go into 2014 your Chamber has a busy year ahead starting with the state of the City address lunch by Mayor John Williams on January 17th at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Mayor William’s has stated that he will not be seeking re-election this fall so this will be his final Mayor’s Luncheon. Please join us as the he addresses the Quinte West business community and brings us up to date on what we can expect from the City in the upcoming year.
We have a municipal election later this year and likely a provincial election as well so it will be a good year to get involved in the issues. The Chamber will be hosting all candidate debates to give you a chance to ask your questions and meet the candidates. We will also be seeking input from our members on issues of importance to the future of Quinte West and the priorities we would like to see in the next council so please take a minute or two to answer any poll questions or quick surveys we might send out.
We will continue to work with our partners at the Provincial and Federal Chambers as we use our vibrant network to develop policy, influence change and find solutions.
The holidays are over so time to get back work! I hope everyone has a good 2014
David Fairfield, president