We are proud to announce that we are part of a new, breakthrough network that will help connect Ontarians to the right jobs and opportunities: Magnet.
With Magnet, businesses can create profiles and search for qualified talent within Ontario and beyond. This effective, accurate, and efficient way works to match these candidates’ qualifications and interests with employers’ skills requirements.
The Magnet network currently includes 18 universities and colleges across Ontario, representing over 500,000 students and graduates, the network of chambers of commerce and boards of trade throughout Ontario, representing 60,000 employers and two million jobs, and a growing community of labour- and opportunity-based organizations.
The Magnet network aims to address unemployment and underemployment in the province, specifically as it relates to youth, new immigrants, and aging workers, and aims to help all of us understand our labour market needs better by working together.
Stay Connected, Get Informed
Through the cutting-edge technology platform WhoPlusYou, individuals in your community can create profiles and search over two million jobs. This effective, accurate, and efficient way works to match these individuals’ qualifications and interests with the employers’ needs. The system also generates valuable real-time market information (LMI). For the first time, individuals, organizations, and employers can ‘speak the same language’ when it comes to skills, interests, and experience.
What’s the Benefit?
Organizations work together and benefit when they connect in a highly accurate way, both within their community and between communities.
Employers can use the system to attract people to their company and geographic region. For the first time, organizations that are interested in data mining can have insight to both supply and demand data in real-time. Communities can have far greater insight into their constituents.
Sign Up
Join today at magnet.today/organizations and become part of the growing network of members collaborating to address some of Ontario’s most pressing social and economic issues.