Eight Influences Shaping the Next Decade for Chambers of Commerce
This year, 2015 Ontario Chamber of Commerce AGM delegates had the privilege of hearing from Mick Flemming, Chief Executive Officer of the American Association of Chamber Executives (ACCE). Mr. Flemming who spoke about his organization’s draft report, Chambers 2025, and the top eight trends that will shape the way chambers do business over the next decade.
In 2014, the ACCE launched the Horizon Initiative Task Force to tap into collective chamber wisdom and other resources to predict what life will be like in 2025. Their goal was not to tell chambers what they would do or be in 2025; rather they sought to identify influences and how they might shape chambers and their regions.
Understanding that there are countless factors that will influence chambers, communities and economies over the next ten years, the ACCE chose to focus on the eight they thought would have huge impacts on chambers of every stripe:
The Nature of Belonging and Gathering
Communications and Technology
Scarcity and Abundance
Global Impacts
Population Shift
Political and Social Fragmentation
Resource Alignment
Catalytic Leadership
As a result of this very informative presentation, AGM delegates were able to gain insight into the challenges that their chamber might face over the next decade and learn how to capitalize on some of the upcoming opportunities to grow their membership.
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