After consultation with the City of Quinte West and our other partners, the Quinte West Chamber of Commerce has cancelled the Trenton Santa Claus Parade for this year.
“This was a very difficult decision to make as the Chamber has been organizing this event in our community since 1953,” states Suzanne Andrews, CEO at the Quinte West Chamber...
Chrissy Williams-Hunt and Ally Wojewski are graduates of Loyalist College and have lived in the Quinte area their entire lives. They have both maintained long-standing careers through local, community-based agencies that specialize in supporting senior citizens and people with disabilities.......
Small Business Week across Canada is celebrated the third week of October and this year Quinte Business Week will run from October 19 to October 23. Small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) make up 99.7% of the companies in Canada and employ close to 90% of all private sector workers. Every year the Business Development Bank of Canada takes a lead role in promoting this event and this year they have.......”
Tia Cronk was born and raised in Trenton, and has been interested in the field of nail design for as long as she can remember. With the help of her co-worker and fellow nail artist Victoria Corbett, Cronk is expanding her business to offer additional services to her customers. “I have always had an interest in nail design and have enjoyed working in this industry for the past few years,”......
Rachel Mendes is new to the Quinte West area, and is thrilled to be a part of our tight-knit business community. Looking to escape the big city lifestyle, Mendes decided that Quinte West was not only the best place for her to live, but it was also in need of quality and affordable pest control services. With over 8 years of experience and education in the field, Mendes was inspired to open her own business; Last Call Pest Control...
Tommy Gagovski has been involved in the world of self-defence training since the 1990’s and brings that know-how to the Quinte Region with the opening of Tommy G’s Law Enforcement Self-Defence Training in downtown Trenton. With over 30 years of experience, he has a wide array of expertise in fields such as human behaviour, pathology, forensics, municipal/provincial laws.........
After discovering a need for their holistic services in the Quinte Region and surrounding areas, co-owners Sarah Taylor and Anna Siwakoti opened Fearless Wellness Centre in downtown Trenton. Sarah and Anna met through their Holistic Reproductive Practitioner Program and this is the first business for both of them. Prior to founding Fearless Wellness Centre.........
The Bay of Quinte Chambers of Commerce have joined Canada United, a national movement to support local businesses in communities across the country. RBC has brought together more than 50 of Canada’s leading brands, Business Associations and the national Chamber network to rally Canadians to “show local some love” by buying, dining and shopping local.
The #CanadaUnited campaign is a nationwide small and local business campaign encouraging Canadians to buy local. RBC, ‘Corporate Canada’, Business Associations and Major Media Partners have teamed up to start a movement, Canada United™, where everyday Canadians and large businesses come together in support of small and local businesses.
Roland Scheib immigrated to Canada twenty years ago from Europe and has been residing in the Quinte West area for the last nine years with his family. With over twenty years of experience in the construction field, and with the help of his Canadian partner, Andrews Myers, his goal is to introduce affordable, comfortable, high-quality outerwear to the Quinte West region. “Our goal is to introduce our products.......