
Quinte Young Professionals Events

Quinte Young Professionals (QYP) is made up of 19-39 year olds who want to
work together to share knowledge, build their social and professional
networks and foster the growth of the Quinte Region. Quinte Young
Professionals (QYP) was formed by the Quinte West Chamber of Commerce for
young business people and entrepreneurs and is being led by a group of young
leaders from the Quinte Region.

A young professional is not specifically the job or the education someone
has but is used in this instance to describe someone who represents
themselves in an ethical and courteous manner in his or her workplace. It
includes employees, business owners, trades people, artists & entrepreneurs
from a variety of backgrounds.

Membership in the group is free to join. If you would like to find out more
about Quinte Young Professionals you can call 613-392-7635 or you can find
them on Facebook or Instagram account.