Quinte West Chamber of Commerce || Chamber E-News

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E-News for Thursday, September 5 2013

Get Connected and New Website Launch

Ample parking beside the Curling Club.

Please click here to RSVP so we can prepare for you.

If you wish to take in some golf before - Please click here to book tee off time and power cart.


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Doors Open Quinte West

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Get Paid on Time!

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Business Start-up Basics

Click here to sign up for the free information session

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The Great Waterway AGM invite

Deadline to register for The Great Waterway AGM is September 6

The Great Waterway Annual General Meeting

September 17, 2013, 11 A.M.

National Air Force Museum of Canada, Trenton

The Great Waterway is a regional tourism organization (RTO 9) established in 2010 to promote and invest in tourism along Lake Ontario, The Rideau Heritage Route and the St. Lawrence River from Prince Edward County in the West to the Quebec border in the East, and includes the cities of Quinte West, Belleville, Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville and Cornwall.

11:00 Registration opens, displays and networking

12:00 Luncheon

1:00 to 3:30 Annual General Meeting

The Great Waterway will fill 6 seats on its Board of Directors at its Annual General Meeting. • Prince Edward County • Bay of Quinte • Kingston • Brockville • At Large (2 seats)

Deadline for general delegate registration to attend the AGM is September 6, 2013. Voting delegates must be associated with the tourism industry in The Great Waterway tourism region.

One vote only per organization or business is permitted. For more information on The Great Waterway’s Annual General Meeting including general registration, visit www.region9tourism.ca

or call The Great Waterway office at 613.344.2095.

Best regards, KRISTA DOYLE Marketing and Communications Manager

T 613.344.2095 ext.102 | F 613.344.2096 | C 613.530.7931 kdoyle@thegreatwaterway.com

www.thegreatwaterway.com | www.region9tourism.ca

The Great Waterway Region 9 Regional Tourism Organization Innovation Park, 945 Princess Street, Suite 202 Kingston, ON K7L 3N6

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Volunteers needed

Click here to contact John McDonald

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Volunteer of the Month Nominations

VIQ is seeking more Volunteer of the Month Nominations for the Quinte West Volunteer of the Month program. If you service and/or have volunteers who live in QW and you would like to recognize them for their hard work and dedication please submit their name, phone number and a brief Thank you note to amanda.witty@viq.ca

You can submit multiple names and they will remain on the list until they have been selected. The Volunteer of the Month will have their name printed in the EMC with your Thank you and they will be able to pick up a gift card to a local QW business compliment of Kimberly Colton of Century 21.

Amanda Witty
Volunteer Coordinator / Area Site Coordinator
Volunteer & Information Centre
Of Hastings and Prince Edward County
Office: 613-969-8862 Mobility: 613-849-5156

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CCC Economic Policy Series

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Quinte Regional Chamber Luncheon

To book tickets call Rosi at the Belleville Chamber at 613-962-4597 ex 1

Cost $25 pp

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Tips for Viewing Your E-News

If you ever have any difficulties viewing the e-news through your email program please click the "View it on your browser" link which is in red print at the top of each e-news.

This will open it as a webpage and it keeps all the formatting and images in their correct place. 


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"Like Us" on facebook and Win


CLICK HERE to check out our newly updated business page.

* The QW Chamber facebook page is a great place to stay UPDATED on what is happening in Quinte West

* "LIKE" our page so our updates are streamed right into your news feed.

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* Please go ahead and "POST" your content on our page, video, photos, links or text.

* "SHARE" great articles from your facebook page to our facebook page, it is that easy!

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Thanks, Suzanne

Suzanne Andrews, Manager
Quinte West Chamber of Commerce