Quinte West Chamber of Commerce || Chamber E-News

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E-News for Wednesday, October 9 2013

Chamber Travel Info night tonight


Do you want to travel to exotic locations and see the world?

Chamber Travel is a great way for Quinte West Chamber members and their guests to experience new travel destinations around the globe.

These trips offer an opportunity to business people and residents to travel together in small groups to great locations at an affordable price.

Tour companies are selected because of the quality of their packages and all bookings are done through a local travel agent. Discounted prices are available to Chamber Members CLICK HERE to access full travel information packages.

Upcoming Info Nights

Dubai & Abu Dhabi - TONIGHT Wed October 9 at 5pm - Sans Souci at 240 Front Street, Belleville

China - Wednesday, October 23 at 6pm - Council Chamber, Quinte West City Hall, 7 Creswell Drive, Trenton


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Savour Event coming soon!


Tickets are on sale now contact the Chamber Office today or purchase online.

Click here to visit the Savour Website

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2014 Quinte West Business Directory

For rates and order form CLICK HERE

Click here to email Garry for more details or to book your ad.

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Quinte Business Week coming Soon!

So much is happening this fall so plan on being part of it!

Quinte Business week is a celebration of business in the Quinte Region. The 4 Regional Chambers (Quinte West, Belleville, Prince Edward County and Brighton) have got together to bring you a week packed full of workshops, seminars, amazing speakers and networking.  

We are starting off the week with a luncheon at the National Air Force Museum and an amazing speaker "General Rick Hillier"

Register early - Luncheon $55 for chamber members (Click here to register on line)

All workshops, seminars and Networking mixers are FREE for the week.

Click here to get full details of Business Week events.


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Searching for Employee Benefits?

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Information Session

Click here to RSVP Bonnie Ruddock

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Trade Show Opportunity

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Advertising opportunity for your business!

Click here to contact Jennifer if you are interested.

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Support your Local Hospital

Tickets on sale at the Chamber office - 97 Front ST. Trenton

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Cougars for Cancer

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Open House Invite

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Sponsorship opportunity

Our Big World Rank Dart Tournament is coming up again the end of this month in Quinte West.

Are you able to sponsor a few dart boards (the total cost is $35.00 each)

I’m hoping you can help us out, this money goes towards purchasing new dart boards for the event, we install 56 boards each year at a cost of $50.00 each.
It’s the biggest expense we have for the event.

In return you get an enlarged copy of your business card (8.5x11) with a “Sponsored By” above it, laminated sign at each board you sponsor. (they are color and look great!)

Please email me and let me know if your able to help out. wally@wallyhilts.com

Sponsorships can be payable to and business cards can be sent to

Wally Hilts
11 Spruce lane
Belleville On.
K8n 4Z3

We really appreciate the support for this event that brings hundreds of players into the Quinte area.

Thank You

Wally Hilts
613-967-9212 cell

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If you ever have any difficulties viewing the e-news through your email program please click the "View it on your browser" link which is in red print at the top of each e-news.

This will open it as a webpage and it keeps all the formatting and images in their correct place. 


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Air Cadet Squadron

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"Like Us" on facebook and Win


CLICK HERE to check out our newly updated business page.

* The QW Chamber facebook page is a great place to stay UPDATED on what is happening in Quinte West

* "LIKE" our page so our updates are streamed right into your news feed.

* Let us know about your facebook page and we will "LIKE" your page.

* Please go ahead and "POST" your content on our page, video, photos, links or text.

* "SHARE" great articles from your facebook page to our facebook page, it is that easy!

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Thanks, Suzanne

Suzanne Andrews, Manager
Quinte West Chamber of Commerce