Quinte West Chamber of Commerce || Chamber E-News

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E-News for Tuesday, October 22 2013

City Signage By-Laws Survey


The City of Quinte West is updating the signage by-laws for the City, this could have an impact on your business and the types of signs you are using.

The Chamber is getting feed back from the business community so that we can share it with the City before they make their final decisions.

There will also be an open house at City Hall on Thursday, November 7 at 6pm where businesses can voice their concerns or support directly to City Staff.

The survey will only take 5 minutes for you to complete.  To see a summary of the proposed changes before you start the survey click here.




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Quinte Business Week all this week!

Quinte Business Week is a celebration of Quinte regional entrepreneurs and their contribution to Canada’s economy.

Events held during the week of October 21st - 25th bring together entrepreneurs and prospective  entrepreneurs at seminars, workshops, luncheons and trade fairs across Canada.

The goal is to provide our local businesses with opportunities to learn, network, share ideas and socialize with their peers.
Please check the schedule of events during this week so you can take advantage of one or more or these great opportunities!

click here for a printable copy of the Quinte Business Week events

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Reminder Mega Mixer - Tonight


FREE EVENT - 5:00 PM TO 7:00PM

Network with business people from the Quinte Region.
Join the  Quinte West , Belleville , Brighton and the Prince Edward County Chambers for a great night of socializing, networking and entertainment.

Enjoy light refreshments and live entertainment at the Hillier Creek Estates Winery.

Reserve your seat on one of our FREE buses leaving from Brighton, Belleville and Quinte West at 4:30pm by contacting your local chamber of Commerce

Attendees must confirm attendance as bus seats are limited alternatively, attendee can provide own transportation.

FREE SEMINAR  -  Register Online or contact Jennifer @ 613-392-7635

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Business Week - Wed Morning


October 23, 2013 - 10:00am - 12:00pm - Bay of Quinte Golf Course

Triggers, Tips & Tools for Profitable Growth

This workshop is tailored to Businesses who are interested in elevating or enhancing their marketing efforts and learning how to increase profitable revenue opportunities.
We would like to invite you to a workshop hosted by Bill Crowe & Dave Dean from the Business Development Bank of Canada’s Consulting Division who will provide a practical perspective on building your company’s brand.  Bill & Dave have an established track record working with entrepreneurs and their staff to help them grow their companies.

Topics covered include:
> Segmenting & positioning
> Building a competitive advantage
> Engaging clients, customers, staff and suppliers.
> Crafting an integrated market communication program
> Relationship development and advancing deals

Speakers-  Dave Dean & Bill Crowe

FREE SEMINAR  -  Register Online or contact Jennifer @ 613-392-7635

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Business Week - Wed Afternoon


October 23, 2013 - 2:00pm - 4:00pm -  Bay of Quinte Golf Course

Employee Retention, Employee Attraction, Employee Interaction

•What is your company doing right to keep your employees engaged in your company?
•Are your employees happy?
•What is your absentism rate verses labour hours?
•How to find out how to keep people happy at work
•Do your employees feel engaged in your business?
•Are your wages keeping your people or causing you to lose them?

Speaker-  Sandy Wright, Area Manager Adecco

FREE SEMINAR  -  Register Online or contact Jennifer @ 613-392-7635

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Business Week - Thursday Morning


October 24, 2013 - 10:00am - 12:00pm - Bay of Quinte Golf Course

With significant challenges currently facing small and medium sized business (SMEs) in Ontario, it is extremely important to be aware of the specific technology investments which can be made to immediately reduce costs and increase revenues.  

With a better understanding of the most relevant technological solutions and trends currently available, an SME can better allocate their limited resources to obtain optimum results in efficiency and sales growth.  Our presentation will highlight current technology trends and solutions which SMEs should be aware of, and the costs and resources necessary to implement these solutions into their own businesses.

David Tabatchnick, Partner, ICT BDC

FREE SEMINAR  -  Register Online or contact Jennifer @ 613-392-7635

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Business Week - Thursday Afternoon


October 24, 2013 - 2:00pm - 4:00pm - Bay of Quinte Golf Course

Is your business accessibility Ready?
Prepare your business today.
Accessibility Works was designed by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce to help businesses across Ontario be informed about their responsibilities under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service, of the Customer Service Standard for short.

It is a valuable resource for learning more about the AODA and what organizations needs to do in order to comply with the Customer Service Standard.

Speaker-  Louie DiPalma, Ontario Chamber of Commerce

FREE SEMINAR  -  Register Online or contact Jennifer @ 613-392-7635

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New OCC Survey

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Building Business Boot Camp

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Trenton Santa Claus Parade

Click here to contact Stephanie if interested.

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2014 Quinte West Business Directory

For rates and order form CLICK HERE

Click here to email Garry for more details or to book your ad.

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Advertising Opportunity

Click here to contact Jennifer@countryroadshastings.ca

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Win a new 4X4 Ford

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Searching for Employee Benefits?

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Opportunity for your business!

Click here to contact Jennifer if you are interested.

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Tips for Viewing Your E-News

If you ever have any difficulties viewing the e-news through your email program please click the "View it on your browser" link which is in red print at the top of each e-news.

This will open it as a webpage and it keeps all the formatting and images in their correct place. 


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"Like Us" on facebook and Win


CLICK HERE to check out our newly updated business page.

* The QW Chamber facebook page is a great place to stay UPDATED on what is happening in Quinte West

* "LIKE" our page so our updates are streamed right into your news feed.

* Let us know about your facebook page and we will "LIKE" your page.

* Please go ahead and "POST" your content on our page, video, photos, links or text.

* "SHARE" great articles from your facebook page to our facebook page, it is that easy!

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Thanks, Suzanne

Suzanne Andrews, Manager
Quinte West Chamber of Commerce