Quinte West Chamber of Commerce || Chamber E-News

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E-News for Tuesday, November 26 2013

Chamber Breakfast Meeting this Thursday

Click here to Register

or call Jennifer 613-392-7635 or email info@quintewestchamber.ca

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Proposed Raise in the Minimum Wage

Dear Chamber member,

Over the past few months Chamber leaders and members have attend the regional consultation sessions, and put forward their perspectives on the process by which the minimum
wage should be set. There was also a report released called

Predictable, Transparent and Fair: The Business Perspective on How to Set Ontario’s Minimum Wage, which calls on government to introduce a new process that would link changes in the minimum wage rate to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), an economic indicator that captures changes in the cost of living.

We have just sent a letter to the panel urging them to consider the cost to business when they make these significant one time hikes to the minimum wage.  The Quinte West Chamber is one of 36 chambers that has signed this letter on behalf of our members.

CLICK HERE to view the letter.

The Quinte West Chamber of Commerce is the 'Voice of Business' in Quinte West and we will represent businesses of all sizes on issues that matter to you, our members.

Recent Issues the Chamber has been involved with locally

Removal of the Home Occupation Licences for Home Based businesses in Quinte West.  The Chamber worked with the City to remove this by-law which was over 30 years old and was a detrement to business in Quinte West.

Updates to the City Signage By-law.  The Chamber is working with businesses and the City's Marketing and Signage committee to review the proposed by-laws.  At the end of the process we are looking to have a clear set of by-laws that would allow businesses to have the signage they need and would make it easier for the City to remove signs that are not compliant.

 If you have not yet filled in our signage survey please CLICK HERE.




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Parade Winners!

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Vote for your favourite float!

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We will Plan your Company Christmas Party !!


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HR Survey to Help Your Small Business

East Central Ontario Training Board, in partnership with your local Chambers of Commerce, is conducting a Human Resources Survey.

This information will assist in developing an HR Guide for Small Business as well as a training strategy in response to your identified HR needs.  

Your participation is vital to assist us in ensuring that we are addressing your HR needs.

CLICK HERE for a link to the survey:

 Thank you , we look forward to sharing the HR Guide with you once it is completed.


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Last Chance to Book Your Ad!!

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IT'S EASY AS 1 - 2- 3.

1.  Give us your company name.

2.  Tell us what type of special you would like to offer (ie.  member discount, how much?)  Any restrictions. Or other offers (ie.  buy one get one free, specific product or rate, waived fees, etc. )

3.  We will add your business and special offer to the discount card, website and spotlight your discount in our weekly e-news to draw more people to your business and to Shop Quinte West!

Don't miss the deadline:  Friday November 29th

Already over 70 chamber members participating in the program.

Click here to view some of the chamber discounts

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Booking Deadline December 5


For anyone interested in travelling to this beautiful, exotic part of the world please check out this webinar made by the Quinte West Chamber of Commerce and Indus Travel.

The video goes through the whole trip explaining what you can expect and what is included in the price.  A trip to Abu Dhabi & Dubai is great value as it is an affordable place to vacation with many of the costs for food and drinks less than what you would pay in Canada.


If you have any questions about the trip call 613-392-7635 and ask for Suzanne, she will be happy to share her own personal experience with you.

To see the full trip itinerary CLICK HERE

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Booking Deadline December 5


CLICK HERE for full itinerary and registration package

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New Commercial Property in Downtown Trenton

New Professional Office Building - 56 Middle St., Trenton

Rate Sheet
Year          Base Lease Rate      Escalation Factor
1                       $15.00                         -
2                       $15.45                        3%
3                       $15.91                        3%
4                       $16.39                        3%
5                       $16.88                        3%
Optional Years                                  +3% per year
Lease Term:  (5) years plus (3) option years
Lease Type:  Standard Triple Net
Common Area Annual Costs
Snow removal/disposal, salting, grass cutting:    $5,500.00
Building Insurance                                               :     $2,500.00
                                                                        Total     $8,000.00/2,944 squ ft = $2.72 per squ ft

Footprint:  total interior space is 2,944 square ft. Up to (3) units available.
Landlord:  Sand-Paul Properties Limited, 613-392-1283 or pwhitley@whitleyfinancial.com

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Loyalist Training Upcoming Courses


CLICK HERE for upcoming course details

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Big Band Christmas

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Goal Setting & Time Management

Register at events@smallbusinessctr.com

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A Canadian Christmas

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Searching for Employee Benefits?

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Tips for Viewing Your E-News

If you ever have any difficulties viewing the e-news through your email program please click the "View it on your browser" link which is in red print at the top of each e-news.

This will open it as a webpage and it keeps all the formatting and images in their correct place. 


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"Like Us" on facebook and Win


CLICK HERE to check out our newly updated business page.

* The QW Chamber facebook page is a great place to stay UPDATED on what is happening in Quinte West

* "LIKE" our page so our updates are streamed right into your news feed.

* Let us know about your facebook page and we will "LIKE" your page.

* Please go ahead and "POST" your content on our page, video, photos, links or text.

* "SHARE" great articles from your facebook page to our facebook page, it is that easy!

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Thanks, Suzanne

Suzanne Andrews, Manager
Quinte West Chamber of Commerce