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As you know, the Government of Ontario has appointed an Advisory Panel to provide advice on how the province should determine future changes to the minimum wage.
This is a reminder that the OCC is hosting two (2) minimum wage consultation conference calls. On these calls, we will be soliciting input on the process by which the government should determine the minimum wage.
We’ve identified you as a key stakeholder and we invite you to participate.
The next call will take place on August 29 (3pm-5pm). Should you wish to participate, please email Alexander Schwenger
August 29, 2012, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Dial In Number: 1.866.219.7782 Access code: 408208
Background Information
Discussion of Options
Option 1: Determined by government
Option 2: Determined by government on the advice of an independent body of experts
Option 3: Determined by an independent body of experts
Option 4: Rises with inflation ( Canadian Price Index)
Developing a consensus
What factors should the Minimum Wage Advisory Panel consider when making a decision?
Tips for Pitching your Business Ideas and Getting Stakeholders to Buy in"
The Membership rate has been extended to Members of the Quinte West Chamber of Commerce so identify yourself when you call in as a member and you will save $10 off your tickets.
I am writing today about an issue of tremendous importance to you and the Quinte West community.
Bell and Canada’s other leading wireless service providers are urging the federal government to close loopholes in its wireless policies that favour major U.S. wireless companies, like Verizon Communications, over Canadian companies.
To be clear, Bell welcomes the opportunity to compete with anyone. But concessions that the federal government has put in place to assist smaller Canadian new entrant operators have significant unintended consequences. Specifically, the policies put at risk your constituents’ ongoing access to the best wireless services available at competitive prices.
The issue
Wireless services are a growing part of our everyday lives. Ever-increasing amounts of data are travelling over wireless networks as Canadians embrace smartphones and other mobile devices for business and pleasure. A direct result of this trend is that Canadian carriers require more spectrum - the airwaves used by wireless companies to carry voice calls and data. To that end, the federal government is poised to auction spectrum that is particularly well-suited to carrying data over greater distances. In other words, it is ideal for smaller communities and rural areas.
The federal government intends to allow U.S. companies like Verizon – four times bigger than Canada’s entire wireless industry – to take advantage of small new entrant concessions to buy twice as much of this new spectrum as Canadian carriers at a lower overall price. Industry experts observe that Verizon will not deliver wireless networks and services to Canadians in communities like yours. It will instead focus entirely on large urban markets. This means Canadian operators will be forced to focus our investments in urban areas too, as well as reduce jobs, in order to compete.
As a consequence, you and your community could miss out on the next wave of wireless innovation.
Support ongoing investment and competition
Bell and Canada’s other wireless carriers have invested billions of dollars and employed thousands of Canadians to build world-leading wireless networks that reach communities across the country. According to independent studies – and contrary to general perceptions – our prices are lower than those in the United States. And today a higher percentage of Canadians are using smartphones than Americans, a testament to the remarkable progress that we have made.
Again, Bell welcomes competition with anyone but there must be a level playing field. Canadian wireless companies should be allowed the same opportunity to acquire Canadian spectrum as giant U.S. companies. And if a company like Verizon enters Canada, it should be required to use its own resources and build its own networks, just as the Canadian companies have done. Under the government’s current rules, there is no such requirement.
Levelling the playing field will help ensure a strong Canadian wireless industry that continues to invest in and build networks that deliver world-leading wireless services at competitive prices in all markets, large and small.
Contact your Member of Parliament
We are asking for your help to ensure the Harper Government understands the potential harm its wireless policies will have on Canada’s smaller cities, towns and communities. Before it’s too late.
Please contact your Member of Parliament as soon as possible – and before September, when the upcoming auction process begins – to voice your concerns over federal policies that give unfair advantages to giant U.S. companies and undermine future wireless investment in your community. We would also welcome the opportunity to discuss the issue with you in more detail at your convenience.
Additional details about the loopholes in Canada’s wireless rules and the implications to Canada of leaving them unchanged can be found at
The Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) has long appreciated the contributions that economic development makes to the sustainability of the region and its constituent municipalities. With that objective in mind, it has worked to garner substantial levels of funding that has helped to build a stronger local and regional economy. Its successes include the Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN), the Eastern Ontario Development Fund, and the Eastern Ontario Development Program.
Building on these efforts, the EOWC is now championing the preparation of a regional Economic Development Strategy for Eastern Ontario. The result of this work will be the creation of a foundational document that will inform and advise key stakeholders on the priorities for economic development across the region, and stress the importance of an interdisciplinary and regional approach to addressing our challenges and opportunities. The focus will be on identifying relevant actions that will enable the creation of high quality jobs, as well as wealth and investment across eastern Ontario.
This project has been made possible through the support of the EOWC, together with the Eastern Ontario Mayors’ Caucus, the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada through the Eastern Ontario Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) Network.
As part of this strategic planning exercise, we are reaching out to private and public sector stakeholders to provide further opportunity to comment on the major themes and considerations that are emerging for the plan. We welcome your participation and insight in these discussions at one of the regional focus groups running from September 4 - September 10. To participate please register at one of the following links. Registration is simple and quick. Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email noting a successful registration.
The closest sessions to Quinte West are on Thursday, September 5th
In addition to the focus groups, we also ask that you please take 15 minutes to express your views on eastern Ontario’s present and future economic priorities and opportunities by completing this survey. All comments will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Should you have any questions regarding this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The focus group registration process is being managed by Jason Dias, a member of our consulting team. He is available at 416 367 3535 x 229 or
Thank you for your time and involvement. Sincerely, Jason Dias Millier Dickinson Blais
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