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Join us fo this FREE evening of face to face networking at a very unique destination in Quinte West.
The Old Church Theatre is located less than 10 minutes from Trenton. View Map here.
Enjoy light refreshments, cash bar and door prizes.
Please click here to RSVP so we can prepare for you!
There were 5 nominations received for the 5 vacant positions on our board for 2014, therefore there will be no election on Wednesday. Please join us to meet the new directors and to vote on the proposed changes to our by-laws.
Notice: There will be a vote on proposed changes to the Chamber bylaws, these changes will be to sections 39, 40 and 48. There will also be the addition of three new articles dealing with Protection of Directors; Conflict of Interest and Dissolution. If you would like to receive a copy of the by-laws with the proposed changes prior to the meeting please CLICK HERE.
Regional Chamber Luncheon - Emerging Stronger in Ontario
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce issued Emerging Stronger 2013 in January of this year. It surveys the progress that business, government, and civil society have made over the past year. It identifies the challenges we still face, and sets out the tangible steps we must take to ensure that Ontario emerges stronger from this period of economic transition.
Hear Josh Hjartarson, Vice President, Policy and Government Relations at the Ontario Chamber discuss how the recommendations in Emerging Stronger offer a policy road map for the next several years.
Ontario's Chamber Network has reason to celebrate the outcomes of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce's (CCC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Kelowna, B.C.
Ontario had considerable voting clout on the AGM floor, with 98 of the 347 voting delegates--a modern-day record for Ontario. Ontario used its significant presence to pass numerous resolutions sponsored by Ontario chambers of commerce and boards of trade, including:
• Increasing the GST/HST Filing Threshold (Sarnia-Lambton Chamber of Commerce), which would raise the exemption for small businesses earning $100,000 or less from filing GST/HST.
• Fair Tax Treatment of Limited Liability Companies (Tillsonburg Chamber of Commerce), which would create a level playing field for American and Canadian Limited Liability Companies, from a tax perspective.
• Electricity in Canada - Power for our Future Competitiveness (Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce), which would create an East-West electricity grid and enable Ontario to access more affordable Newfoundland energy.
• Applying the Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance for Oil Sands, Upgrading, Petrochemical, and Mining Industries (Sarnia-Lambton Chamber of Commerce), which would encourage new investment in these sectors.
• Facilitating Structural Change in Canadian Manufacturing (Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber of Commerce), which would encourage investment in manufacturing and speed the transition to advanced manufacturing.
• Addressing the Skills Crisis (Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce), which would improve the quality and availability of labour market information.
• Ending Homelessness in Canada (Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber of Commerce), which supports a "housing first" approach to addressing homelessness and a coordinated federal-provincial strategy to addressing the homelessness problem.
• Allowing the Provinces to Decide on Single Sports Betting (Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce), which would enable provinces to decide on single sports betting and enhance Ontario's ability to attract more American tourists to Ontario destinations.
• Improving Canada's Infrastructure Through Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) (Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber of Commerce), which would promote the greater use of P3 models in addressing Canada's vast infrastructure deficit.
The most contentious issue of the day related to the proposed Canada Job Grant. That said, delegates overwhelmingly backed a resolution that "the federal government, instead of implementing its own Canada Job Grant program, negotiate with the provincial/territorial governments to renew labour market agreements that are set to expire in 2014, in accordance with on-the-job training priorities."
The motion also calls for the federal government to meet with a new task force of federal and provincial chamber and board representatives to discuss how to make a job training program meet the needs of employers.
This is encouraging news for Ontario businesses, who have expressed reservations about the Canada Job Grant.
Congratulations to all Ontario chambers and boards that participated in this important process, including those who submitted their proxy votes. There is strength in numbers and the Ontario caucus was a force to be reckoned with at this year's CCC AGM.
A special thanks to the Chairs of the Ontario Caucus, Stu Harrison of the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce and Bill Stewart of the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce.
The governments of Canada, Ontario, and B.C. announced yesterday that they are establishing a cooperative capital markets regulatory system--a voluntary system that will oversee Canada's investment industry.
It is a major step towards the creation of a single securities regulator, and something the OCC has relentlessly pursued for years.
Canada is the world's only major industrialized country without a single securities regulator. Under the current system, securities regulation in Canada is subject to the rules and regulations of 13 different provincial and territorial securities regulators.
Canada's current securities regulatory structure is fragmented and inefficient, and limits our small and medium-sized businesses' ability to tap into all of Canada's capital markets. Given the flaws in our current system, today's news is being warmly received by Ontario businesses.
The new body will tap into provincial and federal expertise and will be charged with supporting efficient capital markets and managing systemic risk. It will feature a single regulator administering a single set of regulations. All provinces can voluntarily participate in the new system.
Significant benefits will result from this new partnership, including improved enforcement, increased protection for investors, and lowered costs for businesses seeking to raise capital. It will also enhance the reputation of Canada and Ontario's financial services sector and strengthen Toronto's reputation as a international financial centre.
The new system is expected to be in place by July 1, 2015, and will have an executive head office in Toronto. The OCC will work with their provincial counterparts to increase provincial membership in the new cooperative capital markets regulatory system.
The OCC congratulates the federal Minster of Finance and his provincial counterparts in taking this important step.
So much is happening this fall so plan on being part of it!
Quinte Business week is a celebration of business in the Quinte Region. The 4 Regional Chambers (Quinte West, Belleville, Prince Edward County and Brighton) have got together to bring you a week packed full of workshops, seminars, amazing speakers and networking.
We are starting off the week with a luncheon at the National Air Force Museum and an amazing speaker "General Rick Hillier"
October 1 is National Seniors Day, an occasion to honour and celebrate seniors for the valuable contributions they have made, and continue to make, in our communities, workplaces, and families. This year, I am inviting businesses across the country to help celebrate seniors in their workplaces and communities. For example, offer a seniors’ discount, create a storefront display, or lead an event to shine a spotlight on the seniors who are actively engaged in or around your workplace.
National Seniors Day builds on many other measures introduced by the Government of Canada, including the commitment to support the well-being and quality of life of seniors by providing them with the information they need to help them stay active, engaged and informed. To further demonstrate this commitment, the website has been recently redeveloped to include a new Information for Seniors portal that brings together a variety of federal, provincial/territorial and municipal resources about relevant programs and benefits. And more recently, as part of Economic Action Plan 2013, our Government proposed to better protect seniors in a variety of areas, including financial services, housing and health.
On October 1, we encourage you to join with the federal government’s efforts to celebrate the seniors in your life. Individuals, community leaders, municipalities, colleagues and businesses everyone can get involved!
• Thank and celebrate a senior's ongoing contributions by sending them an electronic personalized postcard. • Display posters to mark the day. • Organize a National Seniors Day event using our new Do-it-Yourself Guide found at The guide also includes sample event products such as a news release, media advisory, speech and messages for social media and radio.
Looking for more ideas on how to celebrate National Seniors Day? Visit for further information, ideas, and materials for the activities mentioned above.
Whichever way you choose to celebrate National Seniors Day, join us in thanking older Canadians for helping to build our country and celebrate their on-going contributions!
Sincerely, The Honourable Alice Wong, P.C., M.P. Minister of State (Seniors)
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